St Matthias' Anglican Church

About Us 關於我們
We are an Anglican Church in an inner-city suburb of Melbourne. Through sharing the love of Jesus Christ with you, we want you to experience the abundant life in Christ. We offer our service in English, Cantonese, or Mandarin to people of all ages. We welcome you to join our Sunday Service.

COVID Safe Guidelines COVID 安全指引
Duty of care and health and safety of all our congregation is extremely important. We would like all our members, their families and friends to feel welcomed and safe within our church. Keeping this in mind, and as an abundance of caution in doing our upmost to providing as safe an environment as possible, the church parish council recommend people to
wear face masks in the indoor setting.
Although this is not mandated, we ask that you thoughtfully consider the health of your fellow members and those who take care of people with compromised health conditions; therefore making them very vulnerable to illness should they be exposed.